Electrum group
Electrum group

electrum group

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electrum group

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electrum group

We are unable to make individual profile updates. All advisor details come from publicly available data, and we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the content. The content in this profile was updated by SmartAsset on. It is legally allowed to serve clients in the state of Colorado. The Electrum Group LLC's main office is located at 600 Fifth Ave., New York, New York 10020. The typical financial advisor at The Electrum Group LLC manages fewer than one client account, making it one of the most personalized financial advisor firms in the country. The Electrum Group LLC oversees roughly $349.1 million for each client account. Discretionary management means that an investment advisor has the discretion to make transaction choices for the client's account without requiring the client's consent. The Electrum Group LLC oversees all of the company's accounts in a discretionary manner. Securities are defined as tradable fiscal assets such as bonds, equities and options. The Electrum Group LLC does not act as a registered broker-dealer, signifying that the firm cannot buy and sell securities for its own accounts as well as its customers' and instead is required to go through a broker-dealer company to do so. The Electrum Group LLC has a small team, including 9 financial advisors. The firm has $1.7 billion in assets across five accounts, placing it among the biggest investment advisory firms in the country by assets under management (AUM). The Electrum Group LLC operates as an advisory company that has its headquarters in New York, New York.

Electrum group